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Bach Flower Remedies

“Balance the emotions from within and experience physical well- being from without”

Bach remedies were founded by Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician and immunologist. He discovered 38 flowers that balanced every emotion a human being could possibly go through in their lifetime. These remedies are one of the simplest and most effective ways of bringing ourselves into balance.

Bach remedies are 100% natural, have no side effects and are so safe that they can even be given to babies and pregnant women. They help to gently and effectively reduce stress and any other emotional imbalances that we tend to accumulate from day to day life. They work on a deep level, helping us to balance feelings and emotions that we are going through.

It is the microtraumas of day to day life that affect us the most as they keep happening in an ongoing way. Taking the correct combination helps to release any unwanted emotions that we tend to hold on to.

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To know more about bach remedies you can visit the Bach Center UK

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What to expect in a Bach consultation

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60-90 minutes in person or virtual consultation

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Your personalised remedy mix. (A personalised combination mix is tailor-made for you based on the issues, beliefs and feelings that you would like to work on in the moment.)

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Review after 3 weeks or when you are close to the end of your bottle

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Bach remedies do not interfere with any other medications that you may be taking. For best results, it is important to take the remedy for 21 days without a break.

Benefits of Bach flower remedies

  • Brings down pain quickly
  • PMS
  • Insomnia
  • Allergies
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tiredness and exhaustion
  • Reduces stress
  • Reduces acne, rashes and other skin eruptions
  • Gives relief to babies going through teething woes
  • Works well on pets and plants

These remedies are a real gift to our universe. They are a complete system of healing which is both empowering and uplifting in its approach and it is our privilege to be able to share them in their purest form in accordance with Dr Bach's vision and philosophy.

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Talk Therapy

"The mind is everything. What you think you become"
- Buddha

Offering a secure and confidential space for a person to express their emotions freely, with no fear of being judged can be the backbone for true healing and release. At Alchemize, our job is to empower you to be the best possible version of yourself. When we are balanced and stress-free, we are so much happier, productive and focused. In turn, this creates a positive shift in perception that can transform our life in a profound way.

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world".
- Buddha

NLP is a body of techniques that help us understand our thoughts, behavioural patterns, emotional state and aspirations. At Alchemize, we use NLP to help work towards enabling you to find the strengths and skills that serve you best and assist you in developing new strategies to replace those which no longer work well for you. This therapy also teaches you to transform your limiting thoughts and beliefs into empowering ones that will help propel you towards fulfilling your goals and dreams.

Core Transformation and Wholeness are both wonderful NLP inspired methodologies, developed by Connirae Andreas, that can help to achieve all this and more!

To quote Tamara Andreas, Core Transformation is "A powerful method of transforming our responses, behaviours, patterns of thinking, while at the same time developing a profound sense of ongoing well-being, wholeness and presence". It is a method developed by Connierae Andreas that leaves you with a sense of inner peace, love and oneness.

Wholeness is a simple, gentle, guided process that opens up the doorway to a more joyful, loving, creative and fulfilling life. It offers a gentle resetting of the nervous system and brings in a feeling of inner balance; and it is precisely this that makes this process great for personal development and spiritual growth.

Eye Movement Therapy was first discovered by Francine Shapiro in the 1980's when she noticed that moving her eyes side to side seemed to reduce the occurrence of her own distressing memories. This therapy helps to release stuck trauma using eye movements to dampen the power of emotionally charged memories of post traumatic events.

These NLP techniques in general, are used to effectively treat a wide variety of issues such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Communication issues
  • PTSD, addiction and others.

They can also be used to enhance personal growth and inner wellbeing.