Being in harmony - soul, mind and body is what true healing is all about.
Good health, happiness and realising your full potential all starts from within.


At Alchemize, we help guide you to transform from within so that you can reap the benefits of a happy, healthy, balanced and productive lifestyle.

Self-love, self-acceptance, and self-understanding are the keys to discovering the very best version of yourself. At Alchemize, we will work together to understand what is holding you back from doing this. We will use a variety of techniques that are tailored to your personality and need of the moment to help you open up the path to your own higher wisdom.

About alchemize
reduce stress

Stress, anxiety, not feeling good enough, overthinking, trauma, worry, depression, hurt, resentment, anger, frustration, fear, inability to sleep well at night, pain, lack of self worth/ confidence, are a few of the many things that can bring down your immunity and compromise your overall well-being.

Life sure is like a roller coaster with all its ups and downs and twists and turns! What we need is technique, skill and tools to help us enjoy this adventurous ride with ease and joy.

“If we are on soul purpose, there can be no dis- ease”

- Dr. Edward Bach


Bach flower remedies, NLP techniques and counselling are modalities and techniques that help you understand yourself better and release unwanted patterns and behaviours that prevent you from realising your true potential.

bach flower

Bach flower

Bach flower remedies are 100% natural flower remedies that effectively reduce stress and other emotional imbalances.

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A secure and confidential space for you to express your
emotions and feelings
with ease.

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Transform your limiting thoughts and beliefs into empowering ones that will propel you towards fulfilling your goals.

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Thank you my Dr. Rescue for being there when I thought I was not worth being there for myself. I still remember how heavy my days would feel and how mentally drained I used to be, your support, guidance and the flower remedies did WONDERS to me…

Pooja Rajpurohit

Professional Dance Artist

Heena has helped me with her Bach flower therapy methods to manage my stress (both personal and work related) better, become more confident in everything I do, reduce anxiety, slow down, improve my focus and in short be a lot more at peace with myself.…

Anand Kumar

Associate Director at a leading company

Love and fear, both reside inside us and are a part of our daily life. We often don’t allow ourselves to express all that we feel or acknowledge them and in turn suppress them, burying them inside us.

Yogitha M

Early Years Expert and Nutritionist

Get in touch

+91 9845294446

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